2020 Winter Exams Schedule
Are you ready to wrap up first semester, Monarchs? Whether this is your first semester of high school or your almost-last, it is now time for you to take those winter exams. The schedule is as follows:
January 17: 6th- regular dismissal
January 20 is Martin Luther King Jr. Day- no school
January 21: 3rd and 5th- 10:40 dismissal
January 22: 2nd and 4th- 10:40 dismissal
January 23: 1st and 7th- 10:40 dismissal
Study hard, Monarchs, and we know you’ll ace them all!
About the Contributor
Laura Madler, Editor-in-Chief
Committed to graduate in 2020, Laura Madler is Editor-in-Chief and fourth year staff writer for the Lion's Roar. Outside of class, she can be found twirling...