Mrs. Flint’s Class Takes To The Halls


Ethan Matthews

Kaity Puhlman poses proudly next to her dragonfly.

For the second year in a row, Menchville art students have taken to the halls with painters tape to create dazzling art pieces. This tradition began last year when Mr. Surry approached art teacher Morgan Flint and suggested a hallway mural to brighten up the walls for visitors who attended last year’s show choir performance.

Ethan Matthews
Max Schipula adds more tape to his art piece.

“This year we have themes. Last year we didn’t have any themes so it was all “do whatever you want to do,” said Mrs. Flint. The art teacher received feedback from students and faculty coming into her classroom to comment on the pieces. The most frequently asked question was whether or not there was a theme.

“People prefer structure over chaos. Because of that, you’d think they’d like a theme.”

The hallway by the cafeteria has the theme of flight, the music hallway is music themed, the tech building has technology, the art hallway is creativity, and the auditorium hallway is A Night in Paris to go with this year’s show choir theme.

Ethan Matthews
Student Desiree Harrington works on art piece.


You can watch these colorful works in progress as they develop through the hallways of Menchville High School