Fixing Football- Part 1

Matthew Swanenburg

Director of Fooball Operations, Mrs. Graham, poses for a photo in the Menchville hall.

It’s no secret that Menchville football has struggled in the past decade, and its no secret that the team isn’t expected to do anything great this year. But, with a new Head Coach and a new Director of  Football Operations, the future is bright. The aforementioned Head Coach is Rodney Taylor, who’s resume as a football coach is very extensive. With assistant coaching jobs from Maryland high schools, to local ones, to even George Mason University, Coach Taylor’s stellar resume certainly gave him a boost against his coaching competition.  The new Director of  Football Operations,  Adriane Graham, is a CTE teacher at Menchville, and has an extensive background working with young athletes on the peninsula. During her free period, Graham is usually in the school office talking with parents, which is where she was Monday, September 16th, when she explained what she does as Director of Football Operations.

“Way too much!” she laughed. Becoming more serious she then went on to say, “… All parent communication comes through me… any students interested in being a football manager, they work directly under me. It’s my duty to make sure we have all the supplies, all the uniforms, all the paperwork that we need for each player. I really am just an assistant to the head coach…” she continues on to describe the rest of her job as, “pre game prep,” further stressing how she must get supplies ready for players.

Graham then went on to talk about how she got the job of Director of Football Operations. She said she didn’t seek out the position, going on to say,”I had no knowledge of this position, until the position presented itself in the form of Coach Taylor walking in the main office one day and asking me if I was interested!” Graham laughs for a minute, before explaining why she was the right pick for the job.

“… My work with the Y Move group (young men of vision and excellence), I believe is why Coach Taylor sought me out…” Many of the young men in the Y Move group are Menchville football players.  She then mentioned her, “…work with Parks and Rec, with youth, for over a decade…”. “And of course my teaching experience!” She exclaimed.

Graham certainly will play a role in the Monarch’s football success this season. With a new Head Coach, and a new Director of Football Operations, it will be compelling to see how the team performs this season. For more updates and news on Monarchs’ football, and all Monarch’s athletics, make sure to keep checking out The Lion’s Roar.