Happy Death Day a Surprisingly Fun Movie


picture from www.universalpictures.com

“Happy Death Day” is a 2017 American slasher film directed by Christopher B. Landon and written by Scott Lobdell. “Happy Death Day”premiered on October 13, 2017 and the sneak peak trailer was absolutely crazy. It lived up to my expectations because it explains the entire movie.

The cast for the movie includes: Tree Gelbman (Jessica Rothe), Carter Davis (Israel Brossard), Lori Spengler (Ruby Moline), Gregory Butler (Charles Aiken), Stephanie Butler (Laura Clifton), David Gelbman (Jason Bayle)

Tree Gelbman is a college student who is murdered on her birthday, but the next day she wakes up alive.  This happens over and over again. At first she thinks it’s dream but she soon realizes that it isn’t.

The killer kills her in many ways like stabbing her, breaking her neck, and lighting her car on fire. Tree has no idea who is trying to end her life so she spends each day trying to find out who killed her the night before.  Her friend Carter Davis (Israel Brossard) is trying to help her find her killer, but every time she wakes up she has to explain to Carter what happened.

Happy Death Day is a fun movie. Seeing Tree come back alive and trying to redo a scenario over and over is fun to see. There are some cheesy moments such as when she goes all out in night gear and night vision goggles to track down everyone on her suspicious list of people. She takes advantage of her daily revival because she feels like she will never get to tomorrow.

This movie is hilarious and scary with the perfect blend of dark humor. The movie is very fast-paced and entertaining there’s never a dull moment. Sometime it gets a little too corny for its own good. There are times where it works but then there are times where it comes off to cringe. It was a great movie.  It kept me wondering who the killer was throughout the film. I’d highly recommend this for a date night. Overall Happy Death Day is a surprisingly  enjoyable movie that I had quite a bit fun with.

picture from www.slashfilm.com